Here's the main stuff Sparky uses.
Sparky likes everthang about that Red Stuff, except the price.
The Tig 185 comes with a built-in beer holder!!!
Sparky's first-ever Tig Weld! Yee-Haaw!
Big Jim and Sparky cut a Maltese Cross out of stainless steel for a fallen San Marcos, TX Firefighter.
A wedding present for Charla and Russ to hang on their hot tub gabeezo.
Various names cut out of 3/16 inch steel.
A set of downrigger holders for Ken's Hi-Tech Jon Boat.
They fit in the rod holder holes in the seat.
These were welded with stainless wire in the Mig welder, before
Sparky bought the Tig machine. The channels on the ends fit
over the gunwales of the boat, keeping the downriggers from twisting.
A push bar for JR's truck...
...which he promptly went out and sold! Dammit!
A septic-tank-access-hole cover for Hank.
Just in case somebody digs it up, and don't know what they're gettin into!
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